Touhou on DS and Aliens Attack?

So on my usual trawl of Sankaku Complex I stumbled upon an interesting Homebrew game for the Nintendo DS: a recreation of the renowned Touhou manic shooters. In its current version (as of this post) Touhou DS 0.8 is made up of four stages in the demo level, with most of the fancy text still very much under construction. According to the developer’s site you … Continue reading Touhou on DS and Aliens Attack?

Vending Shenanigans

So I was browsing the OCAU (Overclockers Australia) shop and swap section and just so happen on to this funny vending thread. Here are some quotes from the thread with many expressing their interest in buying a fellows’ sister. The AdMy Sister*****(Yes I blanked name out)16occasional needs feeding$100 o.n.o “Ill give her $10 to wash my car thoroughly and then clean my place…btw she any … Continue reading Vending Shenanigans